Sunday River Peak Glasses
This was a Christmas gift that I made for my parents and my sister. I used illustrator to image trace the designs for the peaks. Then I converted them to black and white. This was a challenge because you'd think that black would be the part that gets blasted out in the sand blaster. However, its the opposite. I struggled with this but I eventually figured it out. It took me awhile to decide which parts of the designs I wanted to be etched out. After I finished converting the images to black and white I printed them onto the mask. Then I put them on the glasses. Finally I put them in the sand blaster and began to blast them. The biggest challenge with this part was when the mask blasted off. I had to redo Oz because it got really messed up but I got it the second time.
Fauvist Painting On a Mug
For Christmas I made these mugs for my grandmothers and my aunt. The design was something I made earlier in the school year. I loved how it turned out and I spent so much time on it so I decided to put it on some mugs. I printed the design on special paper that will transfer it to the mug. Finally I put the paper on the mug and put in the heat press for 2 minutes and 20 seconds. 
Small Pot
Heart Shaped Bowl
Here are some pottery pieces I made! The small bowl was made on a wheel. The other two I made by hand.
This is a project I did with my aunt for Christmas gifts for my family and friends. I printed up some designs to put in the glasses as a guide for the more challenging designs. The flowers and the planets were mostly freehand but the others were more complex. I outlined them with black and then filled them in with paint. All of this was made with special paint made to be on glass. (This isn't all of them but its most of them)
Studio Work

Studio Work
